Tailgate Alaska 2015
April 22nd, 2015

Tailgate Alaska 2015

Tailgate Alaska 2015 has come and gone, and it looks like there were some epic conditions to be had when the sky did finally crack open. Check out this gorgeous short sledding film, produced by Adam Brummond with footage captured at the event.



Tailgate Alaska 2015

Tailgate Alaska is an annual 10-day freeride event at Thompson Pass, outside of Valdez, AK. Snow-riding enthusiasts use their sleds to access and shred some of the world’s best terrain there. The venue offers direct access to the mountains from a purpose-built staging area. Event organizers provide services for RV parking, food trucks, live music, games and snow safety and other clinics are offered.

Here’s another short from a snowboarding crew at Tailgate 2014:



Head on over to the event’s website for more info at: tailgatealaska.com

And read about the Tailgate Alaska 2018 here.

– MS