fort mcmurray| Mountain Sledder Magazine

Tag: fort mcmurray

Avalanche Canada Presentations at Sled Shows Focus on Close Calls

Due to an overwhelming number of close calls involving snowmobilers last season, Avalanche Canada presentations at snowmobile shows this fall will focus on the lessons learned from sledders who are fortunate to be…

BRP Donates $20K to For McMurray Relief

It’s hard to fault companies hopping on the “Do Good” train, so welcome aboard, BRP! In partnership and “solidarity” with Fort McMurray BRP Dealer, Raven Motorsports, BRP is providing a $20K donation…

Sled Manufacturers Donate Big to Fort McMurray Fire Relief

Two snowmobile manufacturers, Polaris Industries and BRP, have stepped forward with large donations to assist in the Fort McMurray fire relief efforts.