BC Snowmobile Federation Establishes Snowmobile Infrastructure Fund
April 13th, 2022

BC Snowmobile Federation Establishes Snowmobile Infrastructure Fund

South Peace Snowmobile Clubs the first to benefit with a $330,000 investment

Keremeos, BC (Apr 8, 2022) – The BC Snowmobile Federation (BCSF) is excited to announce our new program, the Snowmobile Infrastructure Fund. This fund has been created to support the ongoing investment in snowmobile club trails, equipment and infrastructure to grow snowmobile opportunities in BC.

The BCSF has secured our first investment of $330,000 from the Province of BC – Caribou Recovery Program for the snowmobile clubs located in the South Peace region. This investment has established a new segment of our Snowmobile Infrastructure Fund specifically for the snowmobile clubs in the South Peace including the Rocky Mountain Riders (Mackenzie), Pine Valley Trail Blazers (Chetwynd) and the TR Ridge Riders (Tumbler Ridge).

The Province has made this investment to enhance snowmobile opportunities in the South Peace Region that were impacted by recent winter motorized closure decisions to support caribou recovery. The funds will be used to improve access, parking, trails, grooming, and other associated snowmobile infrastructure in the areas that remain open to our riders.

From the Vice President of the TR Ridge Riders, Ryan Lamming, “We are extremely excited to have some progress made towards solidifying a management plan in our region.

“With so much uncertainty over the last few years, we can now put some of that behind us and start planning for development. Our communities and members have been so patient during this process and it’ll be nice to have some answers for them in the very near future.

“We have big plans for our club and they all encompass growth which didn’t seem to be an option when initially viewing the management plans. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the BCSF and the clubs for all their tireless efforts in ensuring that our communities and its members continue to enjoy our pristine backcountry riding areas.”

BCSF Snowmobile Infrastructure Fund

From the BCSF Executive Director, Donegal Wilson, “This region has been held back from snowmobile development for many years while the caribou recovery plans were being considered. During this period our clubs have been in a state of limbo, unable to make investment or establish any snowmobile trails permanently. The initial process is now complete, and though we do not agree with all of the land use decisions that were made, we do appreciate that the Province honoured its commitment to invest in snowmobiling in the region. This will allow snowmobile clubs to move ahead with the needed infrastructure for their ridership while we continue to work with the Province designing innovative ways we can support caribou recovery and simultaneously allow snowmobile access.”

From the BCSF President, Peter Doyle. “It is our vision that the BCSF Snowmobile Infrastructure Program will continue to grow with new partners and a continuing investment to support our clubs across BC. We know that snowmobile tourism is driven by quality trails that have ample parking, maps, trails that are clearly signed, emergency shelters to warm up in and smooth trails that are freshly groomed. This fund was established to support snowmobile clubs in investing strategically together to grow our snowmobile opportunities in BC.”