The Reasons Why I Choose to Snowcheck New Snowmobiles
March 3rd, 2018

The Reasons Why I Choose to Snowcheck New Snowmobiles

Snowcheck time is here again. For some people, snowcheck is an exciting time to plan ahead for next year. Meanwhile, others have trouble understanding the desire to spring order a new snowmobile.

I have heard people comparing holdover models to snowchecks and giving their reasons for NOT spring ordering a new sled. They have detailed breakdowns of pricing that they have worked out on purchasing a left-over sled vs a new one. Many proudly claim that they will “NEVER” snowcheck a new sled. Well, that only works as long as the manufacturers continue to offer rebates for year old sleds.

Unfortunately, to me at least, those people are truly missing out. You see, I don’t snowcheck for the price. I snowcheck partly for the colour choices that are only offered on spring orders. I snowcheck in part for the ability to select options that precisely match my riding style. And I snowcheck partly for the incentives that may come with a spring order, such as extended warranties.


Why I Snowcheck a New Snowmobile

These are all great reasons to order early, but they are not my main motivation; the real reason that I snowcheck is simply the anticipation. Placing your order in April and then waiting approximately six months for delivery is one of the most exciting times in snowmobiling. Over that six-month period, you will crawl through accessory catalogues and peruse bumpers, windshields, skid plates and more, all in perfect, matching colours.

You will dig through social media, press releases and performance pages for dyno reports, clutching specs, race results and anything else you can find related to your sled of choice. You will probably place a picture of the build of your sled on your desktop or the home screen of your phone, then show it off to anyone who will look. You will bench race with your buddies over cold ones at the lake all summer long—especially if they have ordered a different brand!


Anticipation Builds

For the next 150 days you will have nothing but anticipation, and this only comes with a snowcheck. Planning on buying a new sled next year off the showroom floor is just not the same. You don’t get the same tangible connection that a snowcheck brings you over the long summer months. That email from the factory announcing that your sled has shipped is far more exciting than looking at a new sled on the floor, simply hoping it doesn’t sell so that you can get it later.

As for the price? I purchase a sled for me to enjoy, not for what the resale might be. I buy the sled I want, from a dealer that is local and treats me well. I don’t worry about saving $200 by driving 5 hours away.

So now that you know WHY I snowcheck, the only thing left to decide is WHAT to spring order. The options are almost endless, and that decision is entirely up to you.


– Marty

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