2017 Alberta Snowmobile and Powersports Show Photo Recap
If you didn’t get a chance to check out the 2017 Alberta Snowmobile and Powersports Show, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with our photo recap of everything that went down there this year.

Attendance was strong at this year’s ASPS. If that’s any indication of the state of the economy in Alberta at the moment, that’s a good thing.
2017 Alberta Snowmobile and Powersports Show Photo Recap

There were plenty of athletes on hand for autograph signings, including Cody Borchers at the 509 booth.

Brent from Avalanche Canada was there as well offering free seminars through the show that focused on some close calls from last winter that could have been avoided.

On Friday night, the crew from Ride Whistler performed an installation of a Silber pump gas turbo kit that took less than 3 hours to complete.

Here’s the Silber pump gas turbo for the Ski-doo 850.

Chris Brown was there promoting his Ride Whistler riding clinics and adventures, and offering riding tips throughout the show as well. Check out our December issue of Mountain Sledder magazine for a story about the Ride Whistler trip to Japan last year!

Andrew Munster and crew were there showing off their newly updated finger throttle and other Munster aftermarket products.

“Sidekick” turbo kits were on display from BoonDocker, including the brand new release of a Ski-Doo 850 pump gas kit and one for Arctic Cat’s new DSI 800 C-TEC2 engine.

BoonDocker managed to produce this Sidekick pump gas turbo for the Arctic Cat 2018 sled in a hurry, thanks to an early release last year by the company.

CKX was there showing off their huge selection of Titan Helmet styles that offer the removable muzzle.

One of the biggest booths at the show was FXR’s, and they were showing off a huge selection of their colourful styles of everything from mono suits to helmets and more.

TOBE is well known for its bright colour offerings, and it was nice to see them all lined up side-by-side to help showgoers pick and choose from several different offerings.

Jamie Iwaschuk, Nick Woods and Brett Turcotte (not pictured) were there repping Alpyne Apparel’s new lineup of casual wear.

CFR had a presence as well,, showing off handle bars, risers and their bread-and-butter tunnel racks.

It wouldn’t be a proper snowmobile show without the OEMs, and Polaris had it’s new colours for 2018 on display.

Arctic Cat was there with its mean looking Mountain Cat.

The Buettner Braapers family was on hand, scoring sponsorship deals and testing out the ergos on the new Yamaha SnoScoot.

Brock Hoyer and Cody Matechuk were doing their part to engage the future of our winter motorized sports by mingling and signing autographs over at the Yamaha booth.

There were many families with young kids in tow at the show this year, and that really seemed to be the theme at ASPS for 2017. It’s great to see Yamaha and Arctic Cat producing quality youth sleds for the next generation.

The blacked-out Yamaha Sidewinder M-TX 153″ is looking killer.

Mountain sledding power couple Riley Suhan and Kayli Dentman were holding down the fort at the the Strikt booth all weekend.

The vintage sleds were on hand once again! It’s pretty neat to flip through the pages of our sport’s history right before your eyes.

Thunderstruck was there selling swag and promoting its new Thunderstruck TV subscription offering. Check out our full review of Thunderstruck 16.

Nitrous snowbike anyone? This Ninja Backup kit by Raze Motorsports activates nitrous delivery based on throttle demand, and is controlled by the ECU. Now that’s pretty cool!

Airbag sales continue to be strong, which is a great thing for the safety of our community of riders. Many retailers were there with offerings, including Avalanche Safety Solutions.
The Calling and 509 Volume 12 Premiere

The Winners of The Calling 2017 Video and Photo Challenge were announced at the 509 film premiere on Saturday night. The top five selections in each category were presented to a captive audience.

Fans were pumped on the selections. And pumped on the free swag!

A packed house and sold-out crowd was on hand to witness the showing of 509 Volume 12. Check out our full review of 509 Volume 12.

The theme for the video competition was mountain safety, and Logan Thibodeau talked about the importance of receiving formal training in his video, which placed second overall.

Reagan Sieg with his “Rider of the Year” award for 509 Volume 12. Now where did they find that thing?

Kids were excited to see all the shiny products, meet their sledding and snow bike heroes, and just take part in all the fun that took place at ASPS.

Chris Brown handed out riding tips during several presentations over the course of the weekend.

Jamie Iwaschuk was there having a great time. Thumbs up dude!

Ski-Doo’s Freeride model has been updated to the REV Gen4 850 platform for 2018, and there will be more than a few of these on snow this winter.

Ski-Doo backcountry expert Rob Alford was there rubbing elbows with the public and trying to dodge the question, “Where exactly is Zippermouth Creek?“

Matt Entz from Mountain Skillz was hanging out in the Klim booth, along with a bunch of other top riders like Chris Burandt, Cole Willford, Julie-Ann Chapman and some of the Boondockers crew amongst others.

The 509 booth was looking good, showing off its new outerwear, heated Ignite goggle and modular Delta R3 helmet.

Thanks to everyone involved in putting on the 2017 Alberta Snowmobile and Powersports Show. It was a blast! Also, big thanks to all our readers and supporters who came by the Mountain Sledder booth to say ‘Hi’! You keep reading, and we’ll keep writing! Until next year Edmonton…
— MS